Screw "Asshole" Ann Coulter
So, here's what I am telling them today about one of their "favorite pundits". ANN COULTER IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST FUCKING ASSHOLES IN THIS COUNTRY, AND SHE OWES A HUGE APOLOGY TO THE WIDOWS OF 9/11 VICTIMS. She makes me sick. She is an asshole. And, I am about to explain why:
Here are some of the things Ann said in her new book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism", and here are some of the things she meant. By the way, this writer in no way condones trashing the first amendment. Coulter has just as much a right to write her book as I do to write my blog. However, her stuff is totally inflammatory. It is dangerous speech, and it must be stopped. IMMEDIATELY.
Coulter writes: " I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."
Coulter means: "Let's say I go out every night, I meet a guy and have sex with him. Good for me. I'm not married." (Geraldo Live 6/7/00)
Now, if that doesn't say something about Coulter's cavalier view on marriage, what does? She doesn't know the first thing about marriage or being a wife, so how can she pretend to know what it's like to be one of these widows? By her book's account, you would think all she wants to do is convert these widows to her lifestyle.
This selfish bitch, in referring to a group of New Jersey widows said they are acting as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them.
This is how she defended this crap when questioned about it by Matt Lauer on The Today Show last week:
LAUER: So if you lose a husband, you no longer have the right to have a political point of view?
COULTER: No, but don't use the fact that you lost a husband as the basis for being able to talk about, while preventing people from responding. Let Matt Lauer make the point. Let Bill Clinton make the point. Don't put up someone I am not allowed to respond to without questioning the authenticity of their grief.
LAUER: Well apparently you are allowed to respond to them.
Here is another example of her prose.
"And by the way, how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies?"
Bitch, bitch, bitch.
How can she be so presumptuous as to hypothesize that these women were planning to divorce their husbands? In 2002, the U.S. census bureau predicted that half of every American marriage will end in divorce. However, New Jersey (where these women are from) ranked 17th in the country for divorces, with only 3.5 divorces per thousand. Those numbers bode well for these widows, and not so well for Coulter. I may, at best, give her one divorce. But, to issue a blanket statement saying these women may have been planning to divorce their husbands (and by the way the men just happen to die in the worst terrorist attack on US soil) is pure bullshit.
And, Coulter is bullshit. I can not tell you not to buy her book, because that goes against my belief in the First Amendment. However, at the same time I CAN tell you that she is, was and always will be a waste of our time, money and airwaves.
I encourage you to read other bloggers entries on Ann.
You say that Coulters Speech is dangerous and must be stopper IMMEDIATELY. You cannot say that and claim to be in support of the 1st amendment. All speech must be equally protected or there will be no speech that is protected. Although I do not support all of Ann Coulters statements, her statements about the widows was meant to be inflammatory. It was a hyperbolic statement meant to draw attention to the fact that the Mainstream Media (MSM) has been using victims like the widows as human shields. The widows can say whatever they want, but no one is allowed to challenge or criticise them. That is the meaning of a 1st amendment violation.
Those who believe in liberty must allow all ideas into the speech marketplace. From there they will either be consumed or ignored according to the tastes of the marketplace. The phrase hate speech is simply a code to allow the MSM and others to attack speech they do not agree with.
No one is afraid of the ravings of a lunatic homeless person, because their ideas have no constituency. The reason liberals and the MSM media want to shut Ann Coulter up, is that her ideas have a constituency. Afterall, she is #1 on the New York Times best seller list.
So come up with ideas for the country to embrace and put away any idea of shutting up anyone.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:39 PM
Dear "Anonymous":
Thanks for visiting our blog again. We look forward to having you comment on our articles in the future.
Posted by
Ike |
7:04 PM
If you are in favor of free speech as you claim why did you delete the previous comments???
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:41 AM