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A Quick Tutorial on Class

"Money can't buy you class. -- Dad"

Okay. My father recently taught me an invaluable lesson that should be pretty natural for most people to understand. The Beatles once sang "Money Can't Buy You Love". But, there's one thing better than lover that money just can't buy. That's class. According to my Dad (who, I must admit, has a lot of wisdom), money can not buy a person class. He/she is either born with it or not. To my dad, it doesn't even seem as though it is something a person can really acquire. It's inherent in their blood and the essence of their being.

Recently, I had to deal with someone who, in my estimation, lacked class. The person was boorish, intolerable, mean-spirited, and pretty much a hazard to be around. Just when I thought this person was going to do the right thing, he/she got it all wrong. I severed ties with that person for all the right reasons, as far as I am concerned.

Anyway, Dad is just right on this one. Now, a lot of people could call me classless too. I guess it's just a tag or label you can throw on anyone. But I know, in my heart, what class is all about, and I know that this person flat out was born without it.

About me

  • I'm Nigel Vossap
  • From Cleveland, Ohio

  • I am Ike, a ten-year-old Rottweiler who just relocated to South Florida with my trusty owner, Eric. Together, the two of us are soaking in the sun and chasing some of the finest .... well, you know.


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