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America's Most Wanted

It's great to be home alone on a Saturday night, because it reminds me of some of the best things around that we miss when we are out on the weekends. One of those things is John Walsh's wildly popular (and successful) TV show, "America's Most Wanted". FOX's AMW -- in large part thanks to Walsh -- has captured 887 fugitives in less than 20 years on the air. It has bagged some of the biggest criminals out there, and some smaller ones who are lesser known but just as dangerous. I remember when the network was going to pull the show around 1996. I was working for a FOX station at the time, and the phone calls were endless. The show's website, www.amw.com, is just as successful in showing the American public who is out there, how bad they are, and how to turn them in without getting injured, etc. Do yourself a favor, if you haven't done so already. TiVo this show. Watch it once. You'll become hooked.

Tomorrow: An Explanation of the Scoville Scale (and how it affected my digestive tract)

About me

  • I'm Nigel Vossap
  • From Cleveland, Ohio

  • I am Ike, a ten-year-old Rottweiler who just relocated to South Florida with my trusty owner, Eric. Together, the two of us are soaking in the sun and chasing some of the finest .... well, you know.


Strange's 10 Most Wanted