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WNEP, Baseball and Corporate B.S.

Thankfully, there's now another damn good reason I never got hired by WNEP-TV in Scranton/Wilkes Barre, and now I know what it is. This small-market station, with its holier than thou attitude, which cast me off in its search for an Executive Producer back in 2000, declined to broadcast a baseball game because it was being played on Good Friday.
WNEP-TV, owned by the New York Times Company, which traditionally televises the home opener of the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Red Barons, said it would not air Friday night's game.
The station's GM said, "Good Friday is not an appropriate day for us to do that."
So, what did they decide to air instead? "Inside Edition" -- a gossip-style entertainment show, and a "Primetime" episode featuring Tom Cruise who, of late, has been no poster child for organized religion. I suppose that fare is more appropriate for Good Friday.
Did you see some of the articles published in the New York Times today? Apparently, WNEP's parent company can have it both ways.
Somebody get me a gun. What could they possibly be thinking? The last time I checked, every major league baseball team was playing today. Heck, every team plays on Easter Sunday. Some football teams have even been forced to play on Christmas Eve.
Good Friday is one of the most solemn days on the Christian calendar.
Jeremy Ruby -- the team's general manager -- said he was not surprised by WNEP's decision. He even cancelled the usual fireworks display in deference to the Catholic community.
A spokesperson for the Scranton diocese said it could not prevent fans from attending the game.
Okay, so hold the fireworks and some of the fans.
But, not airing the game? The show must go on.

Jewish Bloggers

About me

  • I'm Nigel Vossap
  • From Cleveland, Ohio

  • I am Ike, a ten-year-old Rottweiler who just relocated to South Florida with my trusty owner, Eric. Together, the two of us are soaking in the sun and chasing some of the finest .... well, you know.


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