A Dating Dilemma
Dating Dilemma: Online romance ends up being 450+ miles away, or 100 miles away or 2000 miles away. This always happens. Why does this always happen to me? I end up meeting a great girl online, and she always ends up being so far away. Why do I find it easy to find women miles away, but no one in my own backyard? Does it mean there are no women left here in Cleveland for me, or does it mean it's just easier for me to attract, maintain and enjoy relationships at a distance? Either way, it's screwed up, and either way I allow it to happen again and again. Maybe it is easier to like someone from a distance, but is it fair to allow yourself to like them so much that you are sabotaging both of you? It's hard to maintain any type of long-distance relationship, especially where it starts out on the phone for endless nights. A what point do you just pull the trigger and quit talking? Do you maintain the friendship? Or, do you go meet the person? If you meet each other and click, then what happens? The logical step is to end up in the same place, but is that easily achievable? This dating dilemma is a huge mess, and one that -- for me -- isn't likely to go away soon anyway.
yeah, umm.... i'm just gonna e-mail you
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Unknown |
10:21 PM