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Idiot Haiku Friday Volume V

Hey, y'all bloggers out in Blog-land! It has been two months since our last installment of Haiku Friday. Hell, some of you weren't even born back then. So, without further ado, I present Haiku Friday Volume V;

I blogged about fish,
and an old sweet summer sweat.
Give me some honey.

The girl in the store
wore mittens to evade snow.
I like ice cream cones.

On a starry night,
should I really call her now?
I need a new car.

Haiku gets better
with the spring flowers full bloom.
My baseball team sucks.

I am not kidding..
The dog really ate homework.
I eat octopus.

I have a booger
that dries in the summer sun.
The fat guy sweats loads.

The girl wore a blouse
because she was smoking hot.
I cry in movies.

The dog licks his balls
and rolls in the fucking snow.
Armpit hair smells bad.

My foot is asleep.
My girlfriend is pissed at me.
I mow the green lawn.

Holy mackerel!
caught on a blistering day...
Ugly mole on her!

Does Jesus save me?
or is the autumn divine?
My trainer is nuts.

Who the hell are you?
Do you really like winter?
Where is my phone book?

My ugly girlfriend -
beats yours on a summer day.
I really need love.


All I know are Little Willie jokes.

Little Willie killed his sister,
She was dead before we missed her.
Willie's always up to tricks.
Ain't he cute? He's only six.

Does that count?

they seem more like non-sequiter haikus than idiot ones. giggle-worthy either way.

Funny. :)

What I love about your Haikus is that the last line makes absolutley no sense.

What a lazy day
Therefore I went out to play
I hate licorice

Didn't I mention that I hate Haiku Friday?? c'mon Nigel.....surely you can do better!

Haiku Friday's back!
Non sequitur's are funny.
Take care out there, pal.

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About me

  • I'm Nigel Vossap
  • From Cleveland, Ohio

  • I am Ike, a ten-year-old Rottweiler who just relocated to South Florida with my trusty owner, Eric. Together, the two of us are soaking in the sun and chasing some of the finest .... well, you know.


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