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When Time Runs Out

I am the great procrastinator. I have made a commitment, of sorts, to blog every day. Today I am just running out of time. An English poet, Edward Young, wrote that procrastination "was the thief of time." I suppose this is true, simple as it may seem. For me, procrastination has always been about getting the job done with my back pinned up against the wall. For some people, it's the easiest way to accomplish things. You have to push that deadline. You have to let time run out. The sand in the hourglass has to trinkle down to the very end. It's 11:58 p.m. right now, and I only have a couple minutes to get this blog in on time. Can I do it? Will it be my best work? Yes and No. I will do it. It won't be my best work. Alas, procrastination is, has and always will be one of my greatest downfalls.

About me

  • I'm Nigel Vossap
  • From Cleveland, Ohio

  • I am Ike, a ten-year-old Rottweiler who just relocated to South Florida with my trusty owner, Eric. Together, the two of us are soaking in the sun and chasing some of the finest .... well, you know.


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